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气候变化影响着农作物的生长。文章通过对比济南大辛庄遗址中、晚商时期的植物遗存和济南刘家庄遗址商末周初的植物遗存,发现两个遗址主要农作物均包括粟(Setaria italica (L.)Beauv.)、黍(Panicum miliaceum L.)、大豆(Glycine max(L.)Merr.)和小麦(Ttiticum aestivum L.),大辛庄遗址水稻(Oryza sativa L.)绝对数量较多,但刘家庄遗址未发现水稻。综合本地区其他遗址的植物考古研究结果,可以发现山东地区岳石文化时期、商代水稻仍是主要粮食作物之一,但到商末周初水稻数量急剧减少。同时,邻近的中原地区和关中地区,多处商周时期遗址水稻种植也普遍出现萎缩。多项地质记录表明,商末(3000 a B.P.前后)东亚夏季风快速减弱,降水量显著下降。山东地区受东亚季风影响,这一时期降水量减少,难以保证稻作农业所需的持续充足的水源,从而影响到水稻产量和种植规模。因此,商末气候变化很可能是刘家庄遗址商末周初水稻缺失以及山东地区商末周初水稻数量骤降的主要原因之一,也同时影响到整个黄河中下游这一时期的稻作农业。  相似文献   
Aiming at the uneven spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation and frequent occurrence of drought and waterlogging disasters in Guangxi, the multi-scale characteristics and comprehensive evaluation of precipitation heterogeneity can provide scientific support for regional response to drought and waterlogging disasters and intelligent management of water resources. Based on the daily precipitation data of 87 grid points from 1961 to 2017 in Guangxi, the Precipitation Concentration Degree (PCD) and Precipitation Concentration Period (PCP) index were used to build day, pentad, ten days, month, season precipitation heterogeneity of multiple time scale level evaluation system. By using R/S analysis and geographical spatial analysis methods, the space-time evolution characteristics and climate division in Guangxi were discussed. The study showed that the spatial and temporal variation characteristics of PCD and PCP at the diurnal, synoptic and monthly scales were relatively consistent, and the heterogeneity of precipitation in Guangxi could be better expressed than that at the monthly and seasonal scales. The diachronic change of PCD in precipitation in Guangxi shows an increasing trend in northeast China and a decreasing trend in southwest China, and the trend of its future period is the same as the diachronic evolution. The spatial distribution of PCD in Guangxi has significant spatial autocorrelation and stratification heterogeneity, which are mainly reflected in the mean value, coefficient of variation and frequency of PCD. The comprehensive heterogeneity of precipitation in Guangxi is highly dispersed in the northeast, highly concentrated in the south, and slightly concentrated or dispersed in the northwest and central regions. The time-scale within a month is the best scale to express the non-uniformity of precipitation in Guangxi. If the advantages of more stable climatic and ten-day scales and more fine daily scales are taken into account, the use of climatic scale for daily sliding calculation and analysis will be the best way.  相似文献   
基于1960—2017年2 000多个气象台站逐日降水数据和中国气象局热带气旋(TC)最佳路径资料集,采用客观天气图分析法(OSAT)识别得到TC降水。研究表明,中国TC降水总体呈显著下降趋势,较12年前的研究结果下降趋势变缓;TC盛期(7~9月)降水占到TC总降水的78.5%,TC盛期降水和TC非盛期降水均呈显著下降趋势。TC降水气候趋势在空间分布上以减少为主要特征,并表现出明显的地域差异,自南向北呈"减少—增多—减少"的分布型,减少趋势中心位于广东和海南。按TC影响期最大强度分级(弱TC、中等强度TC和强TC)研究不同强度TC降水的变化,结果显示,强TC降水表现出显著减少趋势,主要决定着TC总降水的影响范围和趋势等主要特征。进一步分析发现,影响TC频数在1960—2017年呈显著减少趋势,并在1995年发生突变;对1995年前后2个时期的对比研究显示,与前一时期(1960—1994年)相比,后一时期(1995—2017年)影响TC活动频次在20°N以南的海域呈现出显著的减少趋势,减少大值中心位于南海北部,而且这一特征也主要由影响TC中的强TC所决定;强TC的这一变化趋势导致了华南地区尤其是广东和海南TC降水日数的减少,进而使得TC降水减少。  相似文献   
提出利用液态天然气(LNG)冷能实现海水冷冻淡化,针对LNG的储运工艺,开展海水在超低温环境下的过冷度、结晶、脱盐等机理研究。试验测试了海水在电导率为20~40 mS/cm、冷冻温度为-30~-80℃冷冻条件下,制冰率、制冰速率、脱盐率等性能指标,并分析了影响各性能指标的因素,得出了超低温工况下系统最优过程参数。该研究结果为基于LNG冷能实现海水冷冻淡化的工程设计提供了必要的技术基础和设计依据。  相似文献   
A new compound distribution model for extreme wave heights of typhoon-affected sea areas is proposed on the basis of the maximum-entropy principle.The new model is formed by nesting a discrete distribution in a continuous one,having eight parameters which can be determined in terms of observed data of typhoon occurrence-frequency and extreme wave heights by numerically solving two sets of equations derived in this paper.The model is examined by using it to predict the N-year return-period wave height at two hydrology stations in the Yellow Sea,and the predicted results are compared with those predicted by use of some other compound distribution models.Examinations and comparisons show that the model has some advantages for predicting the N-year return-period wave height in typhoon-affected sea areas.  相似文献   
为了研究海萝的非繁殖季节孢子育苗方法,进行了2个实验来研究海萝种藻冷冻保存对其释放孢子量及孢子附着的影响。1)6组不同风干程度海萝种藻在18℃冷冻保存6个月后取出在16℃水中进行孢子的释放,种藻风干到干重为原鲜重约25%的组,孢子的保存效果最好,该组种藻释放孢子量约为对照组(未经风干和保存的种藻)的77.6%,且孢子的附着率与对照组的差异性不显著;2)风干到重量为原鲜重约1/4的种藻分别保存于18℃、36℃、80℃,在保存8个月后,每一保存温度下的种藻分别在8℃、12℃、16℃、20℃水中释放孢子,种藻在水温12℃下释放的孢子量最多;保存于36℃、80℃的种藻较保存于18℃的释放孢子量多。本实验结果为海萝的非繁殖季节孢子育苗找到一种简便的方法,也为该属藻类的种质保存提供了参考。  相似文献   
2002-05-20-26在东海进行小尺度船基浮游生物生态系围隔实验,研究浮游动物的群落结构、组成与环境之间的关系,探讨了优势种群的自然繁殖发育期。结果表明,浮游动物的种类组成较简单,优势种明显。浮游动物生物量、丰度及优势种群丰度三者的变化呈逐渐增加趋势。在实验期的1~5d,小拟哲水蚤的无节幼虫和早期幼体占绝对优势,该自然种群的丰度不断增加;随时间推移,无节幼虫逐渐发育为桡足幼体,而后又逐渐发育为成体。因此,本次实验期是实验海区优势种小拟哲水蚤种群的自然繁殖发育盛期。  相似文献   
With the launch of altimeter,much effort has been made to develop algorithms on the wind speed and the wave period.By using a large data set of collocated altimeter and buoy measurements,the typical wind speed and wave period algorithms are validated.Based on theoretical argument and the concept of wave age,a semi-empirical algorithm for the wave period is also proposed,which has the wave-period dimension,and explicitly demonstrates the relationships between the wave period and the other variables.It is found that Ku and C band data should be applied simultaneously in order to improve either wind speed or wave period algorithms.The dual-band algorithms proposed by Chen et al.(2002) for the wind speed and Quilfen et al.(2004) for the wave period perform best in terms of a root mean square error in the practical applications.  相似文献   
利用NCEP/NCAA再分析资料,国家气候中心74项环流指数及云南省122个观测站资料,结合诊断、合成和相关分析等方法,探讨2011年初云南东部极端低温冰冻灾害天气气候特征及成因,并与2008年初低温冰冻灾害进行对比分析。旨在寻找云南低温冰冻天气的预报着眼点,为提前做好防灾减灾工作提供决策依据。研究表明:500hPa高度场欧亚中高纬呈两槽一脊,西西伯利亚高压脊异常强大,贝巴之间为东西向横槽,东亚中高纬呈"+-+"的高度场距平分布,西太平洋副热带高压异常偏东偏弱,南海副高异常偏南偏弱是2011年1月云南东部频遭冷空气影响的大尺度大气环流背景。另外,相关分析发现NINO4区海温持续异常偏冷对应云南东部气温异常偏低。较2008年初持续近2个月的低温雨雪冰冻灾害相比,虽然2011年灾害影响时间较短,范围较小,但冷空气过程频发,昆明准静止锋长时间控制云南东部,最终造成近50年来的极端低温冰冻灾害。  相似文献   
为了解决杨村煤矿井筒在深厚黏土层层位掘砌时遇到的冻结管断裂难题,分析了施工中产生的问题,并采用ANSYS有限元软件模拟出该黏土层段温度场分布规律,细化导热系数区间,使计算结果与测温孔数据接近。结果表明,强化冻结工艺和采用短段掘砌施工是解决深厚黏土层安全施工的有效措施,对日后井筒在该层位的施工具有一定参考价值。   相似文献   
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